My conclusion is, the polar bear and penguin population are currently facing the problem of the decreasing in their own population.
We humans, are one of the main culprits. We may think that what we do in our daily lives does not affect those cute and innocent animals out there, but we are wrong. Global warming, being a threat not only to us humans but also the animals. The littlest things we do in our daily lives contributes to global warming. Not only us, but the penguins and polar bears are threatened by global warming. Global warming threatens rising sea levels along the coasts which may result in floods or natural disasters.
We can play our part by doing the following. (Please refer to Reflective Journal 3)
Climate change could also bring harm to the polar bears and penguins.
In the Arctic, hungry polar bears, unable to sustain themselves on the melting ice, are increasingly making their way inland to such towns as Noorvik, Alaska, and Churchill, Manitoba, where they sniff out garbage bins and scavenge for dinner. And in the Antarctic, wet baby penguin chicks shiver in the rain; warming temperatures mean less snow but more rain, which soaks them through, putting them at risk of freezing to death. These are the consequences of climate change, scientists say.
Polar bears and penguins may live poles apart, with the great white mammals ruling the Arctic areas near the North Pole and the best-known penguin varieties inhabiting the southernmost regions of the globe, in or near Antarctica. But they both depend on ice and cold for survival—a problem in a world that's warming and where temperature increases are most pronounced at the planet's northern and southern extremes.
Even the littlest things we do can help to play a part in conserving these animals, why not do somthing rather than nothing.