Saturday, April 4, 2009

Reflective Journal 1

Polar bears, the world's largest predators, can be found in countries like the Arctic, the U.S (Alaska), Denmark etc. Rules were being established to set a limit to the amount of polar bears being hunted within its boundaries in these countries. These helped to stabalize the polar bear population. However, humans, polar bears only predator, is one of the main cause of the decreasing of the polar bears population. Seals are preys of the baby polar bears. Baby polar bears often starve, due to the fact that seals are very rare, especially in summer when the ice has melted.

The polar bears had lesser place to live in when humans move in all across the Arctic to mine oil and coal there. Oil spills are also one of the causes of how human affects the polar bear population. It is very dangerous as "with oil on, the bears cannot regulate its body temperature properly" and also, if the bears were to eat the oil while grooming, it could die.

Man-made pollution has also caused the decrese in the amount of the polar bear population. Pollutants get more concentrated at every stage of the food chain. " By the end when the polar bear eats the seal, it could be lethal.

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