Sunday, February 1, 2009

Phasmophobia- Fear of ghosts.

I cannot deny the fact that i'm afarid of ghosts although they may not exists. I have never encountered one though but my friends claimed they have. I never watch movies which relates to ghost and some TV shows like the incredible tales. The scariest movie that i watched is The Maid, and i have only watched half of it, with many of my friends.

Some poeple believe they exists and i'm one of them. I have never encountered one, but i'm still scared. Sometimes, i do enjoy hearing ghost stories. After hearing them, i have difficulty sleeping and my imagination runs wild, real wild.

Ghosts may seem nothing to other people but they are something to me. No doubt! I doubt there's a cure for this phobia. I had this phobia since young and i think i'm still in the process in overcoming this phobia.

Being afraid of ghosts makes me afraid of the dark too. I never sleep with the lights off unless there's company.Sometimes, even when there's company, i would still leave the ligths on. I don't know what made me so afraid of ghosts.

I think the cause of this phobia is this vampire show which i watched sometime ago when i was young at my friends birthday party. I dont know if vampires are a species og ghosts but i am still afraid of them.

This is my phobia and i'm not afraid to admit it. I am Phasmophobia - Fear of ghosts.

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