Tuesday, July 28, 2009

News Report - Hit-And-Run Accident on 29th July 2009

News reports today that a fatal hit-and-run accident had occurred on 29th July 2009, around peak hour, 5.30 p.m., at CTE.

26-year-old, motorcyclist, Mr. Alan Kong Ai Lang, one of the victims of the fatal accident, suffered severe injuries after being hit by a 2009 BMW M3 Convertible and was sent to Tan Tock Seng hospital for immediate treatment. He fell into a coma soon after the operation the doctors performed on him.

23-year-old, driver, Miss Jamie Sian Jie Mi, another victim of the fatal accident, was however not as fortunate, after being bumped into by the Mercedes Benz and trapped in her own car, she was rushed to Tan Tock Seng hospital as she suffered fatal injuries. She was pronounced dead due to the large impact she had when the accident occurred.

26-year-old, Miss Jane Tan, eye-witness and also a student, said, “It happened so fast!” She was also sure that she saw two cars.

36-year-old, Mdm Moliah Bte Ismail, housewife, a passenger in a taxi passing by when the accident occurred, said, “All I heard was loud big bang!” She was unsure what had caused the accident.

52-year-old, Inspector Abdul Rahman, said, “There was a stream of blood on the road.” He was shocked by what was left of the motorcycle.

When interviewed, Inspector Abdul Rahman advised drivers to drive carefully, and also not to talk on the phone when driving. Bystanders were urged to come forward with information on the license plate number of the hit-and-run car, Mercedes Benz.

The Kong family was shocked upon receiving news about their son being involved in a hit-and-run accident and was in a coma at Tan Tock Seng hospital. Mr. Kong, father of Mr. Alan Kong, said, “I believe my son is a rational motorcyclist, I will get to the bottom of this matter and clarify matters with that irrational and irresponsible driver.”

When the Sian families were noticed about Miss Jamie Sian Jie Mi’s death, they were astonished. Miss Jamie Sian Jie Mi, being the only child of the family, was loved and pampered by both her parents. Mr. Sian said, “She had just gotten her driving license and we had just bought her the 2009 BMW M3 Convertible as a birthday present, but little did we expect things to turn out like that.”

Reported by: Rhobin Lim and Vivien Wong

Friday, July 17, 2009

Report - Avalanche

Friday, July 24

WELLINGTON, New Zealand - An avalanche on New Zealand's South Island buried three skiers Friday killing one, police said. Their mountain guides rescued the other two.

The trio were buried under two to three inches of snow (six to seven centimeters) on the Ragged Range mountains near the town of Methven in South Canterbury, police constable Brent Swanson told The Associated Press.

By the time the two guides reached one of the three _ a 60-year-old man _ he was unconscious. Rescuers and a doctor at the scene were unable to resuscitate him. Police have not yet released details about the man, saying only that he was a foreign tourist.

The other two were pulled out of the snow alive and flown out by helicopter along with the rest of their tour group.

The surviving pair were in good condition and did not need medical treatment, police said.

New Zealand's Mountain Safety Council issued an avalanche alert warning earlier Friday, after warm winds triggered "dangerous avalanche conditions" along South Island's Southern Alps, it said.

The council has warned skiers, snow boarders, climbers and hikers to avoid back country travel until the avalanche danger subsides.

Above is a news report on an avalanche which occured on 24 July.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Terrorism is a threat around the world, which many fear as it threatens the lives of people living in the country. Take the 911 for instance. On 11th September 2003, two planes were hijacked and crashed into the tallest buildings in the United States of America, taking the lives of many innocent people. Imagine watching your loved one, or your beloved one die before you. How would you feel?

For one, I am very particular when it comes to terrorism, as terrorism is no joke, and may occur anytime. The country which I am living in, Singapore, was one of the targeted places to be bombed after the train bombings in Madrid back in 2003. Living in Singapore, I am being exposed to the threats as well. As long as terrorists are not being wiped out, I will always live in the shadows of fear, the fear that my loved ones or even myself, might be be victims of plotted sudden-attacks by terrorists.

In my perspective, I feel that I can do my part to share the knowledge that I acquired about terrorism, and in the process, allowing more people to know what terrorism is all about and how one can do his or her part to keep Singapore safe. For example, Mass Rapid Transit ( MRT ) in Singapore, has put up an advertisement showing how commuters can report to the staffs in charge when there's a bag left in the train by suspicious articles. Alternatively, commuters can call 999 as well.

Do your part to keep Singapore a safe country, a terrorist-free country, just like I will do my part.

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